
What is it? Dragons?

Not me, but a beautiful frame from Akira.

My name is Mark and I’m not a writer.

I’ve been into video games since I became sentient around the age of 4, I’m now in my 30’s.

One day I woke up with this urge to catalogue my thoughts and opinions on games that for some reason or another have stuck with me for years.

I started writing this blog to collect each of these memories. My goal is to write about each game or series that make up the “unforgettable” list in my head and maybe add a little bit of context to how they fit into my life.

These aren’t reviews, It’s all just my opinion, but then I suppose that’s what reviews are anyway? I’m doing this for me, to scratch an itch to write and to index the games I’ve played.

Below is the obligatory tip jar button, this is all for free, a labour of love, but if you like something I wrote and feel compelled to throw some gold coins my way you can do so by clicking that button below. But honestly, the fact that you’re here and reading these words is more than enough.